2020 Chapter III Section 23 — Arunima dey

2020 Chapter III Section 23

Work from home - the new normal.

So, I had meant to write about this a few months ago. Since I have worked from home most of my professional life, I thought let me write about it. And, then life happened and I basically got lazy and kept postponing it.

That brings us to now. Well, hmmm…the world is going through something horrible. Truly horrible and many fortunate people are now going to be working from home for a period of prolonged time for maybe the first time in their lives.

(I say fortunate because if you are reading this and get to work from home, you are blessed and privileged and thank your lucky stars.) (also didn’t mean to make it sound like I am scolding you, just saying many are without jobs right now or they have to be out there defending the world so we get to stay home. okay I am done.)

Since I have championed this cause of the working from home to the T, I thought maybe I can share some of the tips and tricks that have kept me going. No, I am not an expert in anything, also no you do not have to agree or follow any of them, but if you like what I suggest and follow them and find some benefit let me know. You know, like, share, comment and subscribe. Oh wait, that’s not this. Nevermind.

Create a workspace.

That is not your bed or the couch or the floor. The best possible scenario is if you have a study table with a comfortable chair in a different room, that is not your bedroom. This way there is a distinct division in your head of a workspace. If that is not possible use your dining table. Be creative. But, seriously one of the biggest mistakes most first time work from homers make, they work from the bed.

When I had initially started working from home, I used to work from my bed. A lot. Though I had a table. It was used for keeping my snacks. I used to be sleepy most of the time, feel very little motivation and worst of all, I would stay put in that same position for hours, sometimes days. I would only get up to go to the bathroom, eat and shower. The days blended into each other and sometimes I lost track of time. You do not want that.

Stick to a routine.

This is very important, especially like me if you have odd work hours. I have worked remotely with American companies for years now and my work hours are usually at night. It is important you take the time and create a schedule for yourself. Umm…don’t be too ambitious. Keep it simple. We all know how much we really do in a day and stick to it as much as possible. Schedule in some ‘me’ time, social media time, workout time, and food time.

Take a bath and dress up.

Okay, I do not mean like dress fancy, but if wearing work clothes make you feel like there is still some normalcy in your life, do it. I know it sounds silly but we are creatures of habit. So, if you make an effort to look and feel different than you do normally, it will help feel like you are about to go on normally with your workday. Also, wearing pajamas and still working normally is an advanced work from home mode, you are not ready for it yet. Or, maybe you are. You decide.

Either way, the whole point is to trick your mind into thinking you are actually going to work. Pajamas are “house” clothes. Sometimes the uncomfortable jeans and shirts can make you feel like you are back in the office.

P.S. if you wear your workout clothes to work anyways, then carry on, my salutations to you. You are winning at life.

Allocate social time.

Be social. Just online. For now.

We live in a world where we can easily virtually socialise. Utilise it. Hey, I am talking to you, you the party animal. Yes, people can have a brilliant time while being social online. (Of course, don’t be a troll)

Make time to call a friend or a family member or talk to someone from one of those dating apps. I don’t judge. But, have specific times when you do that. You remember that routine I talked about before, yeah that’s where you schedule this in. It is important to make sure you do not go to that point in life where the walls are your best friend. Been there, done that. It wasn’t pretty.

Stare out the window, a lot.

Okay, maybe this is a ‘me’ thing. I love looking out my window or balcony. I love people watching and bird watching and sometimes cow watching and doggos, yes lots of doggos. Especially if I have been sitting in one place or working on the same task for too long, I like to take a quick 5 or 10 minutes to take a break where I stare out and see what’s happening in the world outside of my window. I know for city dwellers, it is a bit tougher since there isn’t much to look at. But, try and find a happy place. Also, it makes me feel less alone. I feel like there is so much life out there, doing their own things and I am part of this much bigger thing.

Log off on time.

This is something we should do all the time but we do not. Especially in India, I think almost all of us work extra hours we actually shouldn’t be. (Hey employers those extra hours don’t make or break anything, let people log off on time.) Also, those who think working extra hours means you are being more productive, ummm…no..if you cannot finish your work in 8 hours a day, you need to get more productive, buddy. (Here, I am only talking to those who shame others for finishing work on time or “early” and boast about working so much extra. Okay, so others relax)

Log off and make sure you do not log back in till it’s time for you too. Allocate specific times to check your work emails. Trust me it is very easy to think, okay I will just get this one thing done, it will take just 15 minutes to realise you have been working for 2 hours. This is where having a separate workspace comes handy. Log off, leave the room and you are done for the day.

EXERCISE. Or at least move.

Ahh…yes the nemesis. I avoid this as much as possible. Or, rather used to. Now, I try to incorporate some form of movement into my daily routine. It can be spot jogging or walking around the house or yoga or on really good days high-intensity workouts. There are plenty of workout routines on the interwebs, follow any one of them. And, make sure you schedule this in as well, especially before work if that works for you.

Okay, storytime. I was a lazy bum, I still am but less lazy-ish. So, yeah a few months ago I noticed that by the time it was time for my work hours to start (which was usually in the evenings) I was too tired, physically and mentally. So, someone suggested apples, apparently, they wake you up. No, they did not. I then started having coffee. Now, that was may have been the worst idea, because I immediately go to sleep after my work is over, so…the coffee would keep me up and then messed up my sleeping pattern. So, one day I decided to work out before starting work in an effort to see if that helps me feel motivated. Yes, it did. I felt happier, clearer and the lovely endorphins made me feel energetic and ready to tackle all the tasks. Since, then, l created mini workout sessions throughout my work hours. I try and do one big workout session just before starting work and then every 2-3 hours I spot jog for 10 minutes. It has made a huge difference. And, I am healthier as well.

Stay off social media while working.

Yes, this includes YouTube, Netflix, HULU, and Amazon Prime (you get the idea). Also, do not just sit on Bumble or Tinder or or or (oh man we have way too many apps nowadays) during your allocated work hours. I am not your boss but I can assure you, you will not get much work done. Humans cannot multi-task, no matter what the sci-fi movies say. In reality, we can only concentrate on one task at a time. Yes, many (including yours truly) can switch between tasks fast and easily but we switch, we do not do them all at the same time. So, basically stay off the phone till it’s time for you to socialise.

Create a kickass playlist.

Oh man, this one might be my favourite tip. I love to listen to music while I work. It helps me concentrate and lightens up the mood. (I sometimes listen to audiobooks as well, but that’s a topic for another day) Depending on my mood either they are fun dance numbers, ghazals or a mix-taped situation. I love to blast it loud and sing along. Yes, karaoke time at 2 in the morning. (I am so happy we have no neighbours or this would have been a big no no.)

Reach out

I get it humans are social animals, even for someone like me who rather stay in than go out, I go stir crazy sometimes. That one coffee outing a week or that grocery shopping time means a lot for me. So, if staying in is affecting you, reach out to someone. Be it someone personal or professional. Talk about what you are feeling. It is okay to do that. And, hey if I know you, reach out to me. If I don’t and you are reading this and need to talk to someone, email me. I do reply. Be nice and not creepy.

Be kind to yourself

The times are tough. So, if you mess up something it’s okay. It really is okay. Not only now but in life. It is more important to learn from mistakes than to be hard on yourself for making one. And, your feelings are valid.

When I started working from home it was because of an ailment. I was not able to physically go out and work and sustain it. It had taken a huge toll on my mental health. I kept thinking I was failing at life. It took me some time to realise that is not true.

It is not normal to switch from what we are used to, to something we are not familiar with. Most of us have hectic routines of daily commutes and socialising and and and. Suddenly being forced to stay inside and suddenly having so much time can be a shock to the system. So, the one advice I will give you is take your time to adjust. Speak out if this is affecting you. Share what’s on your mind. I know I talked about privilege in the beginning. Yes, being able to keep working and having a sense of security is a form of privilege but that doesn’t mean you cannot feel helpless or lost or angry or sad. There is too much happening around us. The news is scary. It is okay to feel so many things and more.

These are unprecedented times but this too shall pass. For now, we can be kind to each other, help out in whatever ways you think is possible and stay inside.

Oh and WASH YOUR HANDS. (moisturise as well, they must be bone dry by now)