Daily 2017

2017 Chapter X Section 12

Days: They are blending! 


The days are blending into each other, 

Twelve of them have passed, 

And, I didn't even realize, till now. 


I am sitting in my little chair, 

Mind wondering off to places, 

I have never been, 

I want to be. 


Waiting for the week to end, 

Yet, loving it so much, 

That I want it to slow down a bit, 

So, I can savor it a bit more! 



  • Exercise: 4k steps
  • Food: 
    • Breakfast: 2 boiled Eggs, 2 strips of bacon, 15 g shredded mozzarella chesse. 
    • Lunch: Bacon fat fried tenderloin steak with 10 g cheese. 
    • Snack: Raspberries 
    • Dinner: Cheesy Clam Chowder
  • Study: Wanted to but fell asleep.
  • Read: Finished "Murder on Orient Express", now started "And then there were none"! 
  • Feeling: Like listening to more audio books! :D



2017 Chapter X Section 1

Life Updates

Wow, it's been almost a month since I have been able to sit down and write anything. I am happy to inform you, I have been busy for good reasons. I have successfully been able to finish my second professional certificate. I am interning right now with a marketing agency in Irvine. The people are really nice and welcoming. 

I have started the Keto Diet after much deliberation. It's been 2 weeks since I started and till now it has been on track. I am enjoying cooking and meal prepping. So, all in all, life seems fine. 

I want to write every night now and so I thought what better time to start than now. So, here is to taking one day at a time and seeing where this chapter of mine takes me. 

[I have been cooking a lot and want to share my recipes soon. Let's see how that goes, laziness coupled with work and tiredness gets to me so much that I have been horrible at maintaining my blog, but I need to buck up.]

Happy October everyone! 


  • Exercise: None! 
  • Food: 
    • Breakfast: Egg & Sausage Quiche with 2 strips of bacon. 
    • Lunch: Roasted Chicken Thigh with Salad.  
    • Snack: String Cheese, Raspberries, Home Made Chocolate
    • Dinner: Ground Beef low carb taco.  
  • Study: It's Sunday man! 
  • Read: The Obesity Code
  • Feeling: Feeling ready

2017 Chapter VII Section 26

Of What Was and What Could Have Been!

[Technically It's the 26th, but I have something else planned for that day, so here goes, enjoy, my invisible blog reader!] 

Of course the minute I decided I need to go back to being regular with my blog and life, my health hit me hard. There was nothing new in the thing that happened, the same old pain in the back, couldn't move, pain in the body, prolonged periods, you know the drill by now. I became an emotional mess thinking there is no escaping this loop. This is a part of my life now and the best thing to do is accept it and move on. 

Thanks to my back pain I was barely mobile for a week, then it took another to bounce back completely. And in the mean time, my never ending periods gave me company. And, before you say anything, I am going to all the right doctors and doing everything money allows you to do. These are small annoying health issues which honestly seems to have no permanent solutions. But, one must go on. 

Last week another thing happened which made me breakdown. Chester Bennington from Linkin Park passed away. I have never met him but his voice, his music has been a huge part of my life. My childhood was riddled with bullying and I used to go through bouts of depression. I do not think my family realized to what extent. For me listening to Linkin Park's music was an escape from reality into the world I wanted to build around me. The words from their songs resonated with me. I know this is the truth for many on earth but for me, it felt special. I didn't realize how much I was affected by the sad news, till I sat down and had a small breakdown. I think this news coupled with my already broken health had built up into an emotional ball of pure tears. Chester, your voice will always remain a guardian angel to me. 

It's 3:42 am and I cannot stop my brain from thinking. I am thinking of my past, the people I have left behind, memories of a time that is gone; the good, the bad, the ugly. I feel so weak yet strong at the same time. I do not know if I am making any sense but I wrote something to clear the thoughts from my brain. I will post that tomorrow. For now, I will try to go to sleep. I have an extremely long day tomorrow. 



  • Exercise: HIIT (Soco) (Finally after two weeks)
  • Food: 
    • Pre-Workout: None
    • Post-Workout: None
    • Lunch: In N Out!  
    • Snack: Peanut butter and Jam sandwich  
    • Dinner: Pasta  
  • Study: UCI.
  • Read: Zero to One
  • Feeling: Too many thoughts. 

2017 Chapter VII Section 5

Lazy No More

Every night I tell myself, 'write that blog', but inevitably I fall asleep before I can muster the strength to. I have so many things I want to write about but my laziness is getting in my way. 

I feel sometimes I am a contradiction. On one hand, I am studying, reading up new things, researching and trying to do anything extra I can to make sure I become an expert in my field and also doing housework. But, on the other hand, I cannot do simple things like writing my blog. Sigh! 

Anyway, I have to make a better effort! I really have a lot to say and I need my invisible online supporters (whoever you are) to know them! 



  • Exercise: None!
  • Food: 
    • Pre-Workout: None
    • Post-Workout: Breakfast: Leftover mac and cheese!  
    • Lunch: Rice, Bhindi, Keema. 
    • Snack: More leftover mac and cheese!  
    • Dinner: Tortilla, salad, mixed veggies, Roasted chicken leg. 
  • Study: UCI, Stanford.
  • Read: Born a Crime by Trevor Noah. 
  • Feeling: Feeling a bit overwhelmed by my own plans.  

2017 Chapter VI Section 27

Good Start

Today was another day when I didn't really follow my To-Do list to the T. But, I did start a few things I have been meaning to. Rather re-start! 

First and foremost, I finally did my schedule for July and I love doing those. My brain feels so happy, scheduling and budgeting! :D

Then, the whole day I pampered myself a lot with a hair spa and sleeping a lot and then face masks! I think I needed those! They were homemade and now I am feeling so happy and extra clean! 

Then, I cleaned the house, clothes, everything! The fresh, clean smell gives my brain a feeling of content and happiness! I also started cooking at home. Though my hand does still pain after doing that, I have found easier and quicker recipes. (I will post them on the website soon.)

Also, going to the gym have made me so happy. I want to be more regular there. Going there, meeting people, the atmosphere there, the challenges makes me happier and definitely fitter. And, I love the fact that our instructor is understanding yet pushes us. 

Finally, I am now sitting and going through everything I want to do in the break or whatever is left of it. And, then I plan to sleep. Hopefully, I will be able to follow my schedule then I should be able to do everything I have been planning for me for the past few months! Let's do this! 




  • Exercise: Soco! :) 
  • Food: 
    • Breakfast: Whole Wheat Toast, Peanut Butter, Jam.
    • Lunch: One Tortilla, Channa. 
    • Snack: Blueberries, Red Apple. 
    • Pre-Workout: Evening: Quest Protein Bar (Brownie).  
    • Dinner: One Tortilla, Channa, Roasted, Chicken. 
  • Study: None.
  • Read: Born A Crime by Trevor Noah
  • Feeling: Brain feels happy! :) 

2017 Chapter VI Section 26

Talks & More

Sometimes all you need to do to recharge your brain is some stimulating conversation with interesting people. I am just lucky they are present in my life in the shapes of my friends. 

I had carefully chalked out all the different things I was going to do today. I had To-Do lists and multi-coloured markers, the whole show! I was ready to conquer the day! 

Then, I sent a 'hi' to a close friend of mine and after 6 hours of talking about every aspect of our lives in the past few months, I realized I have done absolutely nothing. 

Do I regret it? NOT AT ALL! This conversation was due for months and I am glad it finally happened. Sometimes, all you need is a good long conversation. I will get all the work done eventually but the peace my brain feels right now could not wait. 

On that note, I will go and start writing a story I have been meaning to write for a while!



  • Exercise: None, ahem, well, I did walk around while talking! 
  • Food:
    • Pre-Workout: None.
    • Post Workout: Breakfast: Leftover Biriyani.
    • Lunch: Two Tortillas, Chicken curry. 
    • Snack: Blueberries, Red Grapes, Red Apple.  
    • Dinner: Two Tortillas, Chicken curry. 
  • Study: None.
  • Read: None
  • Feeling: Peaceful! :)

2017 Chapter VI Section 18

Life & Budgeting 

Money is a strange thing, 
The runs the world, 
And, runs me too.

Somehow, it always runs away, 
From me, I don 't know why, 
Or, have no clue!

I am not Rich,
I am not Poor,  
I always seem to have enough, 
But, always seem to need more.  

Now, let me budget a little, 
To save for tomorrow, 
So, I can be a little more happy, 
And, have little less sorrow! 



  • Exercise: None, I did get out of the bed twice.
  • Food:
    • Pre-Workout: None.
    • Post Workout: Breakfast: Leftover Lasagna.
    • Lunch: Domino's Pizza. 
    • Snack: None. 
    • Dinner: Rice, Aloo Sabji 
  • Study: None.
  • Read: None
  • Feeling: Lazy, hazy, crazy (because I am budgeting)

2017 Chapter VI Section 15

I am Back!

I am back, exactly a month later. I have been busy. Life has been crazy. It still is, but finally, I am learning how to cope with it. I knew there would be days I would not get time or would not feel like blogging, but past three months has been insane. One thing after the other. But, I am happy finally I have learned to deal with these new ways of chaos. 

So, in a gist, life is well 'life'ing and I am rolling with it. The fist ACP is almost over. I have started visiting a chiropractor, my pain has gone down a bit, I have been going to the gym regularly (well not so much for the past two weeks as I just started with the chiro and I wanted to give it a little break to see if it works or not), still having issues with letting go off junk food (this country does not make it any easier; good junk food everywhere), I have definitely become stronger, love life still non-existent and well overall, I am still alive and kicking. So, yeah, it's been good! :D

Today, a bunch of us from class went to a Karaoke Bar. I always wanted to go to one but never had the opportunity. It was a bit more expensive of an experience than I had anticipated it to be (hey alcohol can be expensive :P and without it singing like a mad person doesn't work well)! It was CRAZZZYYYY fun. A lot of my classmates will be going back to their respective countries after this ACP and I will miss them. When I came here I did not expect it to be this much fun. I will definitely write more about my experience in a later blog. 

Okay, now I am tired from all the dancing I did while I was singing. It was the best form of cardio I have ever done! 



  • Exercise: HIIT (Soco), Jumping around for 3 hours while Karaoke (I believe it is considered as cardio)
  • Food:
    • Pre-Workout: Quest Bar 
    • Post Workout: Breakfast: Starbucks turkey sandwich.
    • Lunch: Chicken Strips and Beer battered fries, Beer, Donut.
    • Snack: In n Out Animal Style Fries.
    • Dinner: Coco Curry & Beer. 
  • Study: Stanford (Financing Innovation: Valuing Projects and Firms), UCI (ACP: Business Administration)
  • Read: None
  • Feeling: Happy. I want to make sure to blog every day now.